5 Great Small Backyard Patio...

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5 Great Small Backyard Patio...

If you’re looking to update and improve your home, you’re not alone. In 2016 alone, Americans spent $310 billion… on home remodeling and repairs. That’s quite a chunk of change. The backyard is meant for entertainment and relaxation, so it’s a great idea to update it. Regardless of the size of your backyard, you have room for a small backyard patio. This space is great for grilling out, lounging under the sun, and conversing with friends and family.

If you’re in the market for a fixer upper, you are not alone.

There are many people that are opting to purchase a home that, in it’s current state, would make Bob Vila cry.

For starters, fixer uppers could be purchased for a price so low it’ll make you giddy, while other benefits include being able to create a uniquely designed home suited to your own taste and potentially making a handsome profit if/when it comes time to resell.

Before you start scouring around for the perfect fixer upper, here are a few things to keep in mind.


The ideal fixer upper is the one that has mostly cosmetic issues.  Remodeling tv shows everywhere make us think that turning a home from a dilapidated mess into a space befitting a king is as easy as building a LEGO set, but, in reality one should be honest about what they can actually do themselves.  In the end, a bad DIY job could become a serious financial, physical and emotional burden.


Before you buy, have a certified and experienced home inspector evaluate the property.  You want to avoid getting yourself into a money pit so deep, you’ll forget what daylight looks like. There are many different types of inspections and professionals to help you create an accurate assessment of the property you’re eyeing.


When you are ready to put an offer on the fixer upper property of your dreams, you should consider the fair market value less any upgrade/repair costs.  Consider if you can negotiate on the purchase price.  Some buyers are eager to sell and will possibly be flexible.

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